
4 Weeks to Feeling More Connected & Joyful

  Enroll in Course

Join us for Radiance - a month of reflecting, honoring, and celebrating yourself!

Whether you’re feeling low energy, stressed, a little self-conscious, or frustrated with the unattainable beauty standards that bombard you (whether you choose them or not), this course is for you!

If you’re feeling sexy and smoking in your body already, and want some extra love and goodness (and community!) throughout the month, this course is also for you.

We are all about empowerment, self love, body love, healthy choices, wellbeing, and community.

For 4 weeks, we’ll spend time together in an online community of wonderful, supportive, authentic women - supporting one another, listening to one another, and cheering one another on, as we grow together in feeling more connection and joy in our bodies.

How will we do this?
When you join Radiance, you’re joining a growing movement of women who choose to love themselves, nourish themselves, and be in community with one another around our struggles and our joy.

We believe in the power of women to heal, to grow, to expand to be their most radiant.
We want you to join us.

For 4 weeks in March, you’ll have access to:

* Weekly lessons - including readings, videos, audio recordings, journal prompts, worksheets, and resources all designed to help you delve deeper in your personal body love journey;

* Weekly calls with your Body Love Coaches - Blaze & Solveig - Q&A calls to help you get the most out of the material and how you apply it to your own life;
* Radiance Facebook Group access - a private community to come together, share, ask questions, and receive support and inspiration focused on the topic of body love.
Together, we’ll explore:
Week 1 - Intention
Set powerful intentions to feel radiant in your own skin
Week 2 - Connection
Learn and practice connecting with your body with kindness
Week 3 - Courage
Practice taking steps to become more bold and adventurous in your body
Week 4 - Joy
Celebrate you and the ways you stand for yourself in the world
We’ll mix the practical and the spiritual in a way that will support you to feel more radiant than ever.

Once you're enrolled, you'll receive access to the online course site, an invitation to the Facebook Group, and weekly access to new material starting on Sunday, March 5th.

We hope you’ll join us!
If you have questions, email Solveig at [email protected] or Blaze at [email protected] and we’d be happy to chat!

Your Instructor

Blaze & Solveig
Blaze & Solveig

Your guides through this course are Solveig Pedersen of Sol + Heart Coaching and Blaze Bell of Blaze Bell, LLC.

Solveig Pedersen, Certified Professional Coach, Sol + Heart Coaching

Solveig Pedersen is a Life, Love, and Leadership Coach (certified through the International Coach Academy) and a Communication instructor. She supports big-hearted changemakers to gain clarity and courage to live, love, and lead with open hearts. Her passion for creating positive social change in the world has led her to coach those who know they have important work to do in the world, and need powerful support in their personal and professional lives along the way to help them thrive. Through her teaching and coaching, Solveig is working to build a more peaceful, loving world.

Blaze Bell, Certified Holistic Wellness Coach

Blaze Bell is a holistic Health Coach certified by the Integrative Institute of Nutrition and a professional singer, performance coach, and speaker. Her personal journey of healing from addiction, disordered eating, and fear, makes her a relatable and empowering mentor for other women who are ready to let go, heal, and be awesome! Blaze is on a mission to break negative family cycles so that her two children can grow up knowing positive coping skills. She is ready to help you shift your mindset so that you can manifest the life you're meant to live!

Course Curriculum

Here's what other participants have said about the course:

"I was surprised by how supported I felt by a group of people I hadn't met (in person)."

"I can change my thoughts. By tapping into my body and discovering what feels good, I will find more joy, courage, and radiance in life!"

"I have a choice in how I view, speak about, and think about my own body as well as other people's bodies."

"As a result of the course I have more awareness around how I speak to my body and how I can change the dialogue in more loving and self-affirming ways by connecting with how I want to feel."

"I loved each one of the weekly themes. I thought they were inspiring and gave a lot of room for play and experimentation."

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course is for the month of March 2017. It includes a weekly 60 minute Q&A call with Sol and Blaze plus email support and weekly check-ins. We will also have a very interactive private facebook group.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 7 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!